What Is A Hallucinogens Drug?

A hallucinogens drug is a type of drug that, as the name suggests, causes intense hallucinations for the user. Hallucinogens can come in many forms and are popular at large parties among adolescents and young adults. Many party-goers take hallucinogens to intensify the excitement of the party they’re attending. Most of these drugs also have common street names.

There are two primary types of hallucinogens: classic hallucinogens and dissociative hallucinogens. Classic hallucinogens stimulate the user and make them experience hallucinations and intensify bodily sensations. Examples of classic hallucinogens include:

  • LSD (acid)
  • Psilocybin (shrooms)
  • Ayahuasca (hoasca)
  • Peyote (buttons)
  • DMT (Dimitri)

There are also hallucinogens that are known as ‘dissociative’ drugs that cause users to feel detached from their body or removed from their environment. These drugs include:

  • Dextromethorphan (robo)
  • Ketamine (special K)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Salvia divinorum (salvia)

Are Hallucinogens Dangerous?

Young woman worries about her hallucinogens drug use
Indoor, serene, stressed young woman touching head and thinking.

Yes! Hallucinogens work by disrupting the connection between the brain and the rest of the body, some can also interfere with the brain chemical, serotonin. When hallucinogen drugs affect serotonin, it also affects a person’s mood and sensory perception. Hallucinogens can also last up to 12 hours, meaning a user will have impaired senses and motor skills for up to half a day.

Hallucinogens drug abuse is dangerous on multiple levels. Firstly, hallucinogens are stimulants which cause increased body energy and activity. This causes a lot of stress and wear on the body and mind, leading to long-term symptoms such as:

  • Kidney problems
  • Bladder ulcers
  • Poor memory
  • Memory loss
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Paranoia

Also, since hallucinogens cause people to act strangely, the user may cause a scene that concerns others and forces law enforcement to get involved.

Can You Become Addicted to Hallucinogens?

Some hallucinogens are addictive substances. While people believe that some drugs, such as LSD, are not addictive substances, a user can still develop a tolerance and put themselves at risk for overdose. A hallucinogens drug that many people do develop addictions to is PCP. Someone with a PCP addiction will exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Drug cravings
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Headaches
  • Sweating

Someone exhibiting these symptoms is at a high risk for overdose and requires immediate medical attention.

Preventing a Hallucinogens Drug Addiction

The best way to prevent a hallucinogens addiction is to avoid the substance altogether. Hallucinogens are popular in clubs, parties, and raves. If you’re attending any event like these, be aware of the dangers of hallucinogens. Never accept any food or beverage that you didn’t make yourself.

If you don’t feel safe in that situation or worry that you won’t be able to avoid exposure, then remove yourself from the situation. Missing out on one night of partying is better than spending the rest of your life recovering from a substance addiction.